Humanity Nelson Mandela Style

Humanity Nelson Mandela Style

It is difficult sometimes not to loose faith in Humanity. It is especially so in the face of events such as those that fill our news media each and every day.
There are extremists across this little blue marble that we call Earth who would happily divide us. But segregation is never good and no man in modern history was more aware of this than Nelson Mandela, the man who showed the world a way forward with humanity Nelson Mandela style

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Linux Advocacy Should Be Positive

Tux Linux Mascot

Linux Advocacy – My Take

I recently had something of a debate on the meaning Linux Advocacy and thought I should offer explanation of my take on it.
Before that, to clarify my background: I’m not by any means an uber-geek, one of those people who seem to see matrix-like code streams everywhere and solve any tech issue with a few simple key-strokes (Oh, how I wish…). My tech skills are more limited to the other side of the code, as an end user.

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